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"PASSION SPEAKS" I've never seen the silence of passion; but I have seen passion's footprints cause tidal waves and earthquakes in the heart and nether regions. And frost can't freeze passion's breath as passion creates mood-altering visions of grandeur of splendor in the grass even at life below zero. And the epiphany of passion will never metamorphosize into a silent shadow. Therefore, again I exhale, I've never seen the silence of passion. And I don't want to because passion should never be silenced and cloaked in invisibility. "Passion Speaks!"

Nita L Chase - Published Poetry- Available on Amazon!
Nita L Chase - Published Poetry- Available at Barnes & Noble!
Nita L Chase - Published Poetry- Available at Better World Books!
Nita L Chase - Published Poetry- Available at Books-a-Million!

"Expose of the Heart" is my recitation of arteries, capillaries, and fault lines of the chambers of my heart in an expose' to you. It is my pillow talk exposed, my weeping willow tree in plain sight. The journey began with a courageous walk. I dared myself to expose self. This artistic endeavor was a part of my therapy to the state of healed whole. To God be all the glory for not only being the Author of my Faith; but, the Footprints in the Journey.

Nita L Chase - Published Poetry- Available on Amazon!
Nita L Chase - Published Poetry- Available at Barnes & Noble!
Nita L Chase - Published Poetry- Available at Better World Books!
Nita L Chase - Published Poetry- Available at Books-a-Million!

"Whisper Epiphany" is a journey of love, loss, persistence, and faith. With poems of the heart, romance, and poems that will lift your spirits with powerful words of motivation and confidence. The book ends with tributes to loved ones. 


‘Whisper Epiphany’ is named after the daughter I dreamt of birthing. Since she was never birthed from my womb, I gave life to the gift God did anoint me to unwrap. This was no labor of love; it was a Creator’s promise...”

Poetry is my whisper
breathed through uncensored lips
and oft times my shout
about the other one's eclipse
It's my own dance of words
and rendition of wordplay
and with each poem exhaled
my soul sings that day.

Nita L Chase - Published Poetry- Available on Amazon!
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